America’s Leading Corporate Member Organization Looks to Elevate Visibility
And Streamline Policy in Nation’s Capital

On April 26, 2017, The National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) will host an Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill. The overall goal of Advocacy Day is to ensure equivalent opportunities for minority businesses in federal entrepreneurship policies and contracting, as well as amplify NMSDC’s thought leadership stance in advocating for minority business growth and development.

The Advocacy Day will be focused on the activities and communications needed to provide legislators with informative data and statistics that reflect the value their Network delivers.  This is the best way to ensure that government officials are well-informed on NMSDC’s value to National corporate members, certified MBEs, and the American economy.

According to President Joset Wright-Lacy of NMSDC, “We want to establish NMSDC’s authority as the go-to resource for comprehensive information and advice concerning policies, regulations, and legislation concerning minority-owned businesses. NMSDC also urges the Trump Administration and Congress to fully enforce existing federal rules concerning MBE diversity and inclusion for direct and federally assisted contracting.”

The overall impact of MBEs on the US economy is over $400 billion dollars, which results in creation and preservation of more than 2.2 million jobs held by minority executives. NMSDC’s Advocacy Day aims to shed more light on the great impact MBEs have upon our nation’s economic growth.

The events participants look to enlighten federal policymakers and others in how NMSDC’s minority supplier development policies and strategies are synonymous with best practices and are key tools for growing mature minority businesses of scale and size across all industry sectors. Every MBE aims to modernize and improve minority business/DBE certification processes and particularly federal certification requirements to better correspond to market realities.


NMSDC advances business opportunities for certified minority business enterprises and connects them to corporate members. One of the country’s leading corporate membership organizations, NMSDC was chartered in 1972 to provide increased procurement and business opportunities for minority businesses of all sizes. The NMSDC Network includes a National Office in New York and 23 affiliate regional councils across the country. The network also includes five international partner organizations located in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, China and South Africa.

To meet the growing need for supplier diversity, NMSDC matches its 12,000 certified minority-owned businesses to our network of more than 1,400 corporate members who wish to purchase their products, services and solutions. NMSDC, a unique and specialized player in the field of minority business enterprise, is proud of its unwavering commitment to advance Asian, Black, Hispanic and Native American suppliers in a globalized corporate supply chain. For more information, visit

Teena Touch
Press Release
Email: [email protected]